The Magic of Manifesting

I have to share the beautiful and amazing manifestation I experienced last night. The picture included with this blog capsulizing it.

Let me move back in time for a moment. I have been focused on giving my gifts of creativity. I have been meditating on the experiences that give me the most joy. My gifts coming forward are my gifts of cooking, singing, speaking and writing. When I am in these processes, I feel fully expressed.

My husband and I were called to give a presentation called “Messages, Metaphors and the Magic of Italy,” which would include a slide presentation on our trip to Italy, an inspiring message, and sharing the recipes that I learned there. Last night was the culminating experience. It was most definitely magical, and we inspired with our messages and metaphors. When I looked at the picture that my husband took, I saw the full manifestation.

I know that many of us want to live the fullest lives. I know many of us want more joy and more wholeness. I know many of us want to be fully expressed. It is a sign of our times calling us to meet the challenges of our times.. People are most definitely called to their purpose. However, rather than using the word purpose, which can be a frustrating word, I’l say “being called to express their joy.” This is the Divine urge within us and our world here will benefit as we answer the call. Many people experienced joy last night, as we expressed our joy.

So, how does it happen? Does it just happen? Can we want something and have it just appear? I’m sure in some instances this might be the case. However, for the most part, I believe their is a step-by-step formula. The first step, of course, is imagination. Can we spend time in meditation imagining our life as we would want it? Then, we must put effort into the imagined ideal. We must begin taking steps and walking as if it were already true. If we do not take action, we will continue to live in a frustrating dream world and wondering why nothing is happening. The third step is to let the “how it will happen” to the Universe. Once we have intended and taking action, the next step is surrender. As, I surrendered wonderful people showed up to help in the manifestation.

I believe this is what we did that culminated in last night’s magic. I was tired when I went to bed last night, but it was a good tired. The kind that feels like you just had the most wonderful day and now it’s time for some well intended rest.

I believe everyone has the opportunity I had to live their most joy-filled self. It is different for everyone because we are all unique. That is what makes it so wonderful. The thumb print of our uniqueness is what makes the world so colorful. I trust you will have fun manifesting your joy.

Love and Aloha,

Rev. Rita Andriello-Feren, Co-Founding Spiritual Director CSL Kaua1i and Author

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