My Mentor

Every time I open up my Internet to surf on some topic, I am filled with many opportunities for workshops, classes, YouTube videos with empowering messages, mentor programs and more. I am grateful for these and I do have mentors of my own, but I must always remember something: There is a mentor within me that is always with me and always knows what to do and leads me on the path. This mentor is the highest and best part of myself that knows its identity as Truth, as God.

When I trust this inner Power, when I surrender to It, I am never led astray. One might ask, how do I know that I am not being led astray? Well, for me, it is a matter of whether or not the thoughts I think and guidance that comes through me, comes as a love. The purest message is one of Love. Firstly, love for oneself and then followed by guidance for loving action. I learned a term yesterday from the writer and philosopher Paul Levy. He called the becoming that of becoming a “Spiritually informed political activist.” What does this mean? It means as we watch the news to presence it, instead of getting involved in the drama and giving way to anger. Step up into our higher consciousness and give presence to what we are watching. If we can do this, we can most definitely, assist the evolving consciousness of the world.

There is a place within us that knows exactly who we are and what is ours to do with our lives. We are creative spiritual beings and whatever is calling us creatively in a giving loving way, is something we can trust and follow. I know, from my own life, that when I do this, I am guided on my path. When I make a decision to do something concrete, doors open and assistance comes.

I believe we are at a time in our evolution, when we are being given the strong urge to look within and center in our own guidance and mentorship. There is plenty of help out there, but in reality, it is not out there; it’s all in here. When something shows up that feels right and true, I allow myself to listen and taken in what feels right and true. I also know that I am the guard of my mind and soul. I hold the key to the door.

The best place for me to reside is to reside in gratitude for life, for me, for all my experiences as teachers bringing me back to that mentor within, my eternal growing self.

Love and Aloha,

Rev. Rita Andriello-Feren, Co-Founding Spiritual Director CSL Kaua1i and Author

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