Debt Be Gone!

In a recent talk I gave, I spoke about how my husband and I released ourselves from a huge credit card debt back in 2010. To give you some idea of how large that debt was, recently, when someone said they had paid off 10,000 dollars of debt, I thought, wow Patrick, we really did something extraordinary!

Without going bankrupt and through a spiritual, mental and physical process, we released our debt. I remember the day we picked up the phone and called the Consumer Credit Company. I was so tired, scared and sick of barely being able to pay the minimums on those bills. I was scared every time the phone rang and the caller I.D. presented a 866 or 800 prefix. I was being chased by the saber tooth tiger called creditors and this was no way to live.

At the same time, we were going through our spiritual studies and learning the Science of Mind and Spirit. We were in terrible conflict, as knew we couldn’t go be in integrity with the Law of Prosperity and Abundance and still have this debt. As Edwene Gaines, the Unity minister and Prosperity teacher said, “All debt is self-punishment.” This was definitely true for us. Our debt came from many feelings of not being good enough, taking care of others before ourselves, and investing in our creativity without a plan or the consciousness to create abundance in our life.

As we continued through our spiritual studies to become practitioners, we truly began to learn Spiritual Mind Treatment and its power in transforming beliefs and shifting energy. We treated for a larger consciousness of prosperity. We treated for self-forgiveness. We treated for the release of this debt, while at the same time taking the action steps in the world of form.

The Power of practicing the Law of Circulation gave us added fuel. We had learned about the Law of Tithing through a course with Rev. Edwene Gaines. We were full tithe payers. Our consumer credit company questioned that portion of our budget every month. It was 10% of our gross income. We merely said, “This is what is getting us through this.” When we tithe we create a consciousness of knowing that there is always more. We release and let go of the hoarding mentality of thinking that our flow will stop.

We worked hard, we prayed hard, we released the debt consciousness and we paid off that debt, paid for all our spiritual studies with cash and have remained debt free since that time.

Why am I writing about this now? Well, I believe there are many people at this time who are scared about money, about feeding their families, about just being able to get by. Money doesn’t grow on trees, but money does grow from consciousness. Back at that time, I had to embody the idea that God was the source of my supply, not any thing or person or place of employment.

What does this mean? It means that there is an Infinite, overflowing, abundant energy that is our very essence always here for us. When we begin to surrender, let go, and remember who we are, practice gratitude, trust that we are supplied always, and walk into the world as if it were already true, our lives begin to shift. I couldn’t tell you how we paid off that debt, but I know that whatever we needed appeared when we needed it, whether it was the right job, a gift, an extra bonus or dozens of other synchronicities that occurred.

Prosperity is about knowing who we are, and being aware that it all starts within. It is about releasing guilt, shame and replacing it with self-love and forgiveness. Prosperity is a consciousness of the ever-present supply that is the very breath we breathe. It is trusting that above all else. That famous Bible passage, “See ye first the Kingdom of God and all things will be added unto you” is the truth. What is the Kingdom of God? It’s right where you are, it is the Holy place within you that has never been touched by anything. It is your true identity. You are magnificent. You are capable of an unlimited life filled with all your heart desires.

I know this is true because I have proved it. If I ever fall off my pedestal of prosperity consciousness, I know where to go – Inward. What I find there is that somehow I’ve lost trust, I’ve began to look outward for my supply, or I am not in gratitude for what I have. As soon as I move back to where it all begins, I find that I am peaceful and energized. I’ve created a mental and emotional field that attracts all that I require in every moment.

I invite us all, at this difficult time for many of us, to do our inner work, so we create an avenue of consciousness that allows prosperity to flow in our lives and the life of our planet.

Love and Aloha,

Rev. Rita

Spiritual Director, CSL Kaua`i and Spiritual Coach

3 thoughts on “Debt Be Gone!

    1. I have a live abundance program on Facebook every mourning at 6am HT. You can find it on the Center for Spiritual Living Kaua`i FB page. It’s all recorded so you can listen to it anytime. It’s based on the Abundance Book by John Randolph Price. It’s all about the inner work. Sending love and light to you and knowing avalanches of abundance consciousness manifested in your life.

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