Oh, God!

I don’t mind using the word God. However, I know plenty of people have an aversion to the word. If you are one of those people, please substitute you name for God as you read this. Don’t let the word separate you from what I am writing. God has become a four-letter word to some, because of how the word is used against so much. Wars are fought over the word God and religions separate people over the word God. “My God is the only True God. …Yours is not…” etc. etc. etc.

However, God is so much more than a religion. God is everything. It is in and through everything. God is everywhere. I am not afraid to say: I am God. When I first heard this, I was in a Science of Mind class. My teacher was progressive, and at that time almost 20 years ago, others in our philosophy of Science of Mind wouldn’t dare go as far as to say, “I am God.” They would say it was too frightening for some and would turn people away from our philosophy. They would instead say things like “God works through me,” or as Ernest Holmes once stated, “There is a Power for Good in the Universe greater than I am and I can use it.” For me, both these statements smell of dualism, like there is something outside of myself that is pulling the strings of my life. Dr. Holmes, Founder of Religious Science wrote those words, but later in his life he proclaimed that we were, one of God. “There is One Cosmic Reality Principle and Presence in the Universe – God. All Creation originates in this One Source. God is all there is.” Ernest Holmes

Science now tells us that there is an unlimited Field of Energy from which all things come. We are in it, wave and particle. It creates everything that we see from thought and feeling. This is God to me. This is why I know that I am God. I’m not separate from this energy. I am a point at where it expresses itself as me.

There are four states of consciousness: To me, By me, Through me and As me. The last: As me, says to me that I have totally surrendered my ego to my highest consciousness and allowed myself to just be it. In this state of consciousness, I know that I am God and I know that in every moment, God is me no matter what is going on in my life. It is what Jesus, the Master knew.

I am not there yet. It’s a journey. It is all a matter of how much of the Universal Principle, the unlimited Universe, that I choose to embody. Note the word choose. We are beings of choice and volition. That is the tool of our evolution. There could never be an automatic individual. Ernest wrote, “The Divine Plan is one of Freedom; bondage is not God-ordained. Freedom is the birthright of every living soul.” (Science of Mind, pg. 25; para 3).

I don’t know why this is true. Maybe it is because the Universe is always expanding, but we are also expanding and coming to know ourselves in a greater and greater way. I am most definitely conscious of myself and my journey is to embody my greatness. It is what evolution is all about. Again, I do not know why this is so and there is mystery to it. That’s okay, as far as I’m concerned. I just want to take the Principle and trust it, have faith in it, and use it in my life right now.

“In quantum physics, objects are not determined things. They are quantum possibilities from which consciousness can choose.” wrote, Quantum Scientist, Amit Goswami. Quantum physics is the physics of possibility. All the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza points to the same Principle that Ernest Holmes wrote about. Dr. Joe calls it Divine Intelligence and Intelligent Love. I like his names for God because they signify that this Intelligence is Love. Of course it is, because Love is life-giving and Good. God is Good always. This why when someone expresses this Power in a negative or destructive way, it will eventually fail or turn against Itself. God can only know itself as it is expressed through us. This explains some of the horrible things that occur in our world. However, we can never really destroy energy (God). “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” Albert Einstein We are eternal.

So what is God to Rita Andriello-Feren? I am God, you are God. We are entangled in a Field of Consciousness that can never be separated, never dies and has no beginning or end. It just evolves. The Universe is always expanding and we are the Universe. There was something before the Big Bang and there will always be something creating and creating and creating. It is sometimes overwhelming to think about it, because it is not meant to be thought about as much as it is meant to be felt. When I spend time, communing with this Inner Presence of Love, I find myself more connected during my day and able to express this Power in a greater way by thinking from a higher perspective about everything.

Knowing and embracing that I am God and you are God, invokes in me the reality that I am responsible for my life and the choices I make. My choices are important because they affect everything because of the Law of Entanglement. I believe when we embrace this as a species, when we love ourselves and make loving and intelligent choices from this place, we will see peace on earth. It seems like it is a long way off, but really it’s right where you are and I am.

Love and Aloha,

Rev. Rita Andriello-Feren, Author and Co-Spiritual Director Center for Spiritual Living Kaua`i.

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