In the Name of the Father

“In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” I grew up Catholic, and I have perhaps said this prayer millions of times. These words opened our prayers and closed them. As we spoke these words, we would cross ourselves from left to right: forehead, heart, left shoulder and then finally right shoulder. In the Catholic Faith, we are remembering the crucifixion and also remember the Trinity Nature of God.

It’s been many years since I have made the sign of the cross, because I am no longer a Catholic, but I have not stopped believing in the Triune Nature of God, nor have I stopped believing in the wisdom and love of the man who walked the earth called Jesus the Christ. I call him Jesus the Christ, because my belief is that Christ was not his last name, nor did he hold the title Christ to himself. From what I know and believe thought all my reading, studying and meditating, Jesus wanted us all to take on the Christ nature.

What is the Christ nature? It is the embodiment of the Christ Consciousness or the knowing that the Power and Presence of the Divine is the very essence of who we are. We have the opportunity to live from that place and to give and receive from that place.

This is what I celebrate on Father’s Day: my Divine Nature and yours. I also celebrate my own father. I don’t celebrate him because he was the perfect father; I celebrate him because he was the perfect father for me. I believe I chose him. I remembering going to visit him after I was grown and had children of my own. He was in the kitchen at breakfast time, holding his coffee in a sweet cup and saucer. He always drank his coffee from a cup and saucer, not a mug. As he looked at me over that saucer he said, “You will miss me some day.” I don’t remember why he said that or what we were talking about, but perhaps he was looking into the future recognizing his own mortality. I do miss him. I miss all the good that came from my relationship with him. I will not be able to tell him that now in the body, but I do speak to him on occasion and I do feel his presence at times. There are many questions I wished I had asked him. As far, as the traumas of my childhood, the good prevails, because I choose it.

In studying quantum theory and the Science of Mind, I believe how we look at our past does matter. I don’t understand it totally, but I trust it, it makes sense. It gives me peace. What I feel is that It would be impossible to think that life is final and at the same time think there is an eternal quality. It would be impossible to say we make mistakes, yet can never turn them around and change our lives. I believe life is lived forward and we can bring the past forward in a new way. We can’t change it, but we can think differently about it. We can go back in the present moment and heal our past through forgiving it right here. There is no future and there is no past. If this is true, then everything is present in its totality right here. If energy can never be destroyed or created, then there is a place where we can change energy. It would be right here. I was in a class with Paul Levy, author of The Quantum Revelation and other books about Quantum Theory. He talked about the idea that we have created the dream of this life together and individually. Our place of power in the dream called our life is in how we interpret it. There a way of interpreting that keeps us stuck or moving forward.

Ernest Holmes once wrote that we live by “falling forward,” not backward. As we fall forward, we fall by our own weight. We cannot fall free and easy with the burden of the past on our shoulders. However, if we can reinterpret our past in the present, we can continue to fall forward with a lightness of being.

We are under a spell that we are powerless and helpless, but we are not. Paul Levy spoke about the Quantum field being the creative source of the universe. Our nature is fluid. We get to concretize our experience and make it solid, but in reality it is still fluid and ever changing.

If consciousness is non local and ever present, and all is mind, then we should be able to travel to the depths and heights of the Universe in mind any time we decide to do so, bring our experience to the here and now and reinterpret them. I know we have a choice in every moment. Why wouldn’t we make this choice? Wouldn’t we be so much happier? Wouldn’t we be so much freer?

In our dreams messages are always given to us. It is our higher self talking to us, giving us clues to parts of our psyche that perhaps need healing. The only healing I know of is to remember who I am. I am the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit or as we call it in Science of Mind: Mind, Soul, Body. Mind, Law, Effect. I am always creating experiences from Mind, dropping it into Law and producing an effect called my life.

If I have been given this great power, why would I use it by not forgiving my past and living in victimhood. No, I want to live life moving into my present with love and honor. If we are suffering from the sins of the father, it is because we have not let go of the mistakes our own parents made. It think it’s time to live anew. In the name of my father, I can be a brand new version of myself, taking the good from the past and leaving the rest behind. It’s very healing and powerful to know I have this choice in every moment.

Love and Aloha,

Rev. Rita Andriello-Feren, Co-Founding Spiritual Director CSL Kaua1i and Author

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