The Law of Good

We are surrounded by and infused with an Infinite Intelligence that responds to the impress of the thoughts and feelings we have. I call it the Law of Good. Modern quantum scientists call it “the Field.” When we use it in love, our life shows up in love. Lately, I have found myself in a mix of feelings and thoughts and I can most definitely say that my life has out-pictured as a mix of feelings and thoughts. Experiences have showed up that are totally awesome and inspiring and other experiences, people and things cause me to pause and straighten my thinking. I am most definitely directing this Law of Good.

The question becomes this: Can I totally and completely accept that there is a Law of Good saying yes to me at all times, and can I have total faith in it? It is the whole science of this teaching called the Science of Mind and Spirit: “It is done unto us as we believe.” Note the words “done unto us.” We are constantly feeling and thinking and then it is “done unto us.” This is both a wonderful thought and a frightening one. St. Catherine of Sienna wrote this: “The Force that created the unimaginable splendors and the unimaginable horrors has taken refuge in us, and it will follow our commands.” (St. Catherine of Siena) This surely explains much of what goes on presently in this world. Do we believe there is a Force that follows our commands?

Robert Browning wrote this: “All is Love, yet all is Law.” Dr. Joe Dispenza calls it – “A loving Intelligence and Intelligent Love.” There is no denying that the mystics and poets and scientists of all ages have both contacted and spoken about this Power and used it.

I ask myself why don’t we use it fully and why are we still debating whether it is so or not, when we have so much proof, even by looking at our own lives, that it is at work? I can’t answer this question. It is individual to each of us. Some answers deal with belief, some with self-worth, some with…you fill in the words.

For me, I believe in this Law. My faith is the easy part. My hesitancy is always about my ability to love and forgive myself and my ability to truly focus on what I want to experience, then to stay in that consciousness long enough to allow the change to take place. When I do these things, my demonstrations seem instantaneous. When I do not do these things, my demonstrations are also instantaneous but in the opposite direction. Ernest Holmes once wrote that “water will only rise to the level of its own weight.” I understand that out our lives will only rise to the level of our thoughts and feelings.

There is no denying that there is a Power for Good in the Universe greater than we are that we can use. We have been using it for eons unconsciously and that has been our evolution. We get by. Some of us flourish and some of us suffer. However, what I know is the time has come when we are so self-aware that we are using this Power consciously and on purpose. We might not call it an “unseen Power,” but there is something within us that knows that more is possible for us and our planet. Evolution is moving forward in cooperation. There is a great divide between old thought that is based in competition and new thought that says: “let’s cooperate.” Let’s cooperate with this Power and use it the only way we can with our mind, and then let us walk out into our lives trusting it and realizing that what we already have what we seem to be seeking. “Act as if it is so, and it is so.”

How are you going to use this Law of Good today? I invite you to use it deliberately, with love and with faith. I invite you to get real with yourself and deeply ponder what it is you say you want. I invite you to get clear and then trust that everything shows up to support you, while you walk as if it is already so.

Love and Aloha,

Rev. Rita Andriello-Feren, Author and Co-Spiritual Director Center for Spiritual Living Kaua`i.


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