Living Life to the Fullest

“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.” Henry David Thoreau

Quantum Science teaches me that there are true archetypes – beauty, wisdom, love, goodness, truth, abundance, and wholeness, when embraced, bring us to a state of true joy and happiness. We will find our purpose by following our bliss through the embracing of these archetypes. Most of us were not brought up that way. We were told to study a professions that would get us work and keep us safe and enable us to support our families, etc. Many of us were never took the opportunity to follow our bliss.

However, I have noticed a new consciousness is arising that is bringing into the collective awareness the philosophies of the mystics, the new science, the wisdom of the ages. This consciousness teaches us to follow our bliss, for if we follow our bliss, we will be fully supported by the Infinite Universe. Joseph Campbell wrote, if you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. When you can see that, you begin to meet people who are in your field of bliss, and they open doors to you. I say, follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.”

The bliss critics do not understand this quote. They think following your bliss is a reckless and hedonistic prescription code for doing whatever the heck you want. “Countless others who never heard of Joseph Campbell embrace the phrase as a sort of magic mantra.”

No. No. No! Truly following your bliss means that you have delved deeply into yourself and are discovering those propensities you have that bring forth the archetypes written above. This is far from a fanciful and selfish pursuit of the superficial pleasures of life – transient affairs, consumerism, etc. Can you imagine a world where each person followed their bliss? But, how do we find out what our bliss is? How do we syphon through all the minutia of daily living and surviving to find what truly makes us happy and gives us deep joy and a desire to serve others.

I was asked this question and invite each of us to take these questions into our life. What did we come here to this life to do? Why are we here? Are we fulfilling our purpose? Do we even know what our purpose is? In quantum science it is stated that the purpose of life is to “satisfy our souls by living the archetypes that bring true pleasure and satisfaction. …When we embody these values and archetypes, we make our souls richer in content. This is the goal of our evolution.” Amit Goswami

How are we going to do this? Let’s suppose that we come here with propensities. They are the things that lead us in the direction of our purpose. Mine happens to be the arts – writing, singing, acting, etc. I used to think I needed to separate these from my ministry, and then I realized that these are my ministry. These are the reasons I have the gifts I have to give. These propensities have led my to expansion and growth.

What are your gifts, your propensities, the things that make you feel that you are living fully. I’m not advocating leaving your job, but I am advocating finding out what your propensities are and beginning to live them now right where you are. Ernest Holmes wrote this: “The way to proceed is to begin right where we are. It is not scientific to attempt to begin somewhere else. One who understands the systematic use of the Law will understand that he is where he is because of what he is, but he will not say “I must remain where I am, because of what I am.” Instead, he will begin to disclaim what he appears to be. As his statements release wrong subjective tendencies, providing in their place a correct concept of life and Reality, he will automatically be lifted out of his condition; impelling forces sweeping everything before them, will set him free, if he trusts in Spirit and the working of the Law.” Ernest Holmes is telling us, through his own experience, that there are Universal Laws that correspond to our commitment.

I listened to a 103 year old woman, Dr. Gladys McGarey speak on a YouTube sharing. When the interviewer asked her what her secret to life was, she said she had five L’s: “Life, Love, Laughter, Labor and Listen.” Each of these L’s were led by Love. She then went on to explain that laughter needed to be driven by love, otherwise it was ridicule. Labor most definitely needed to be led by love. If it wasn’t, well, reread the Henry David Thoreau quote at the beginning of this blog again. Listening most definitely most powerful when done in love. When we listen with love, we are helpful and healing listeners, not trying to change anyone, but just being there, holding space.

Some of us might feel like we are in a time of change in our life and it doesn’t feel good. Change is hard for many of us. Just this Thursday, we were at a meeting where a big change was taking place. Everyone was clinging to the old way of doing things, but it wasn’t going to work. Looking at the world, we can see the old models are falling away. We are being asked to seek new ways of doing things, new ways of dealing with our environment, new ways dealing with our relationships, our corporations, etc. It has to start somewhere. Why not have it start with ourselves: the little world amidst the big world. We can begin by accepting the Truth about ourselves. I believe that when we accept the Truth of ourselves, the archetypes within each of us, that Truth will gather its own speed and place us exactly where we need to be. Ernest Holmes wrote this. “Stay with the One and never deviate from it, never leave it for a moment. Nothing else can equal this attitude. TO DESERT THE TRUTH IN THE HOUR OF NEED IS TO PROVE THAT WE DO NOT KNOW THE TUTH. When things look the worst, that is the supreme moment to demonstrate, to ourselves, that there are no obstructions to the operation of Truth. When things look the worst is the best time to work, the most satisfying time. The person who can throw himself with a complete abandon into that limitless sea of receptivity, having cut loose from all apparent moorings, is the one who will always receive the greatest reward.

Are we willing to take the plunge into your Truth? I don’t care how old we are or whether we feel like we are at death’s door. The Truth is always here and it is never too late to embrace it. Do you feel it? Is it gaining momentum? Our evolution and the evolution of this planet is pushing us to face ourselves completely.

“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.” This is not what is meant to be. We are so much more. It’s time to not do one more thing that deflates your energy and consciousness. It is time to find joy in our projects, our relationships, our daily life and to serve others from that place.  I’m willing. Are you?

Love and Aloha,

Rev. Rita Andriello-Feren, Author, Teacher, Artist and Spiritual Director of Center for Spiritual Living Kaua`i

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