What Do I Need to Know, Today?

I am moving back into writing my blogs more often. At the same time, I am working on a new book called Where is My Red Dress? The Journey of the Sensual and Sexual Me into My Seventies and Beyond. More about this later.

Today, I am thinking much about my purpose here on earth and about how I can assist and serve. Many of you might know that I am a minister of New Thought. If you don’t know what New Thought is, let me explain. Simply put, it is both ancient mystical wisdom and the new discoveries of quantum science. It’s basic premise is that all of Power of the Universe lies within the realms of your own consciousness and that we are all connected in one field of energy that is constantly recreating anew. Our thoughts are powerful. As we change our thoughts, we change our lives.

I live on the Island of Kaua’i, a small dot of beauty in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I brought myself here by changing my thoughts about what I could and couldn’t do. I brought myself here with the strong passion I have to share the New Thought teachings with others. My husband and I founded the Center for Spiritual Living Kaua`i and the Institute of Magnificence to do just this. We are a global community and have been on our mission here for eleven years.

I often sit here and marvel at the ability of all of us to create the lives that call us. It doesn’t just happen. It takes the belief that we can, all the love in our hearts, and trust in the Power of something we call the Law. What is the Law? It is simply this: At the level of our vibrational frequency and our intention, we draw that life to us. It’s Law! We cannot go further than our own concept of life, our own mental equivalent. If we want more in our lives or to change directions, we have to change our intention and raise our vibrational rate. We can’t live a new life in an old mind that houses limitation and old thoughts.

There are many systems and methods to use to change our lives. I believe that meditation, spiritual mind treatment and affirmations are these methods for me. Gratitude is the chief emotion that propels change. Persistence and diligence and surrender are the fuel for change.

You might ask, why should I change or why should I want more for my life? Well, maybe you don’t, and that’s okay. Maybe you are happy where you are and happy with your life. That’s wonderful. However, my belief system is infused with the knowing that, for me, I am always growing and expanding. Spirit is for expansion and I am always on the verge of a new expansion. One of my teachers, Dr. Ernest Holmes, wrote in one of his books, “we are forever and ever expanding…”. This give me great comfort, while making me very excited about my life and the life of our planet. There is always more to come. Life is a journey of unlimited possibilities.

Love and Aloha,

Rev. Rita Andriello-Feren, Co-Founding Spiritual Director CSL Kaua1i and Author

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